Types of Wellness for Holistic Living; The Top 8 Dimensions of Wellness, and How to Live a Happy and Healthier Life

Want to unlock the secrets to a happy and healthy life?

Get ready to dive into the wonderful world of holistic living and the 8 dimensions of wellness that shape our well-being. 

As many of you know, I was a Registered Nurse specialising in Intensive Care and Cardiac health around the world. Over my 3 years of Nurse training and a decade on the frontline, I became very passionate about holistic health and preventative healthcare. 

Often, when people think of health and wellness, they think solely of the physical aspect. Holistic wellness is multidimensional, extending beyond the confines of physical well-being. Various facets of wellness significantly impact your health and happiness and I am going to dive into each type of wellness with you. While each of the 8 dimensions may not carry equal weight, nurturing each component in some way is essential to living a content, healthy and happy life.

This blog post is all about exploring the diverse types of wellness that affect our health and happiness, placing a spotlight on the top 8 dimensions. By nurturing these dimensions, you can embark on a journey towards a more holistic lifestyle, paving the way for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

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What Does ‘Holistic Wellness’ Mean?

Before we dive into the different types of wellness, it's important to understand the essence of wellness itself, or more specifically, holistic wellness. Holistic wellness is about maintaining a healthy body and mind and nurturing your emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. It entails finding balance and harmony in every aspect of your life, which ultimately leads to a vibrant and fulfilling existence. So whether you're looking to improve physical fitness or mental health, various types of wellness can help you achieve a healthy and well-rounded lifestyle.

Now, let's delve into the heart of it all and explore the different types of wellness: The 8 Dimensions of Wellness.

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This wellness wheel highlights the different types of wellness that must be nurtured to live a holistic, healthy, and happy life.

8 Types of Wellness:

1. Physical Wellness: Nourishing Your Beautiful Body

Let's start by talking about physical wellness. This aspect of holistic well-being is all about taking care of your body in the best possible way. You should treat your body like a queen because let’s be honest, it is. Be confident and start believing in yourself!

There are many ways to take care of your body, such as going for a run outside, attending a gym class, or practising yoga at home. Moving your body is essential to ensure physical well-being.

Eating a balanced diet is also crucial. Remember, the keyword is "balanced". You can eat both healthy and unhealthy foods but in moderation.

I follow the 80/20 rule, which means that for 80% of the week, I eat nourishing foods, and for the remaining 20%, I indulge in desserts and sweets that I like, without feeling guilty. If you find it difficult to maintain balance, try eating healthy foods during the week and allowing yourself to enjoy your favourite sweet treats on weekends.

Remember, balance is key.

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Note: It's essential to have a healthy relationship with food. Too much restriction can adversely affect your mental health. If you're struggling with finding a healthy relationship with food or if your mental health is affected, it's essential to seek help from an expert health professional such as a psychologist or psychiatrist.

2. Intellectual Wellness: Keeping Your Mind Curious and Sharp

Intellectual wellness is all about continuous self-improvement and personal growth. Provide yourself (and your brain) with opportunities to grow, learn and be creative. Ask yourself, what subject or topic do you enjoy learning about? Find time to dive into these activities. 

If you are unsure or need some inspiration, try one of these intellectual wellness activities:

  • Enrol in a foreign language class.

  • Enrol in an art or craft class.

  • Attend a cooking school. 

  • Attend a work seminar or work training session.

  • Read a self-improvement book.

My current read is "The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brené Brown. I highly recommend this book if you're looking to live wholeheartedly and embrace imperfections.

My husband enjoys teasing me because I have a habit of enrolling in various courses and classes. I have taken cooking classes, learned Spanish (although I'm still not very good at it yet 😆), done a pottery-making class, taken an art class, learnt sewing and the list goes on. Even though I don't practice these skills regularly, these classes give me exactly what I need at the time, which is time to nurture my intellectual wellness. They allow me time to myself, time to learn something new, and time to be creative.

Whatever it is you enjoy, nurture your intellectual wellness and expand your knowledge and skill; allow yourself to learn and grow, both personally and professionally.

Furthermore, permit yourself to rest. Your brain needs it too sometimes and it is not possible to learn 24/7. Rest and taking a break is an important aspect of intellectual wellness. 

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Me and the hubby enjoying a paint and wine night. Who said intellectual wellness needs to be boring? 🤪

3. Emotional Wellness: Manage your Emotions, Manage Your Mental Wellbeing

Emotional wellness is the ability to easily manage your emotions and navigate life's challenges. By taking care of your emotional well-being, you also take care of your mental health. As a strong advocate for mental health, I believe that emotional wellness is a crucial piece of the holistic wellness puzzle, and is essential for your overall health and happiness.

Practising self-acceptance and self-love can help you nurture your emotional well-being and lead you on the path to happiness. You can achieve this by practising positive self-talk, daily affirmations, and reflective journaling.

Mindfulness and meditation are also great tools to help you manage stress and cope with challenging mental health situations such as anxiety. By incorporating these daily practices, you can improve your emotional resilience and well-being, maintain a healthy body and mind, and lead a happier life.

4. Social Wellness: Building Connections That Ignite Your Joy

Life is better when we share it with others. Social wellness is an important aspect of holistic wellness and is all about nurturing genuine human connections that make us feel good. We can achieve social wellness by building meaningful relationships, spending time with people we care about, and setting healthy boundaries to protect our emotional health. 

Unfortunately, some women tend to bring other women down, which is not a good thing. We should never aspire to be someone who belittles or undermines others to elevate ourselves. 

It's important to surround yourselves with positive and supportive people who appreciate you and your endeavours. Those who don't appreciate you or bring you down should be let go or distanced from you. When you create a tribe of like-minded and supportive women, you can all thrive and achieve success. 

To foster genuine and meaningful connections, it's essential to be your authentic self. Only then can you show others who you truly are and build solid relationships.

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Women empowering other women is so powerful. 19 years of friendship with these ladies, forever supporting and lifting each other up.

5. Spiritual Wellness: Nurturing Your Beautiful Soul

It's time to connect with your inner goddess! Spiritual wellness involves nurturing your soul and finding meaning in life. This means understanding your morals and beliefs and acting in alignment with them. Finding your purpose can be a lifelong quest and may change over time. Feeling lost is okay, as it's an opportunity for personal reflection and time to feed your spirit. 

This type of wellness may require some deep self-reflection. If you need some help, try asking yourself the following:

- What truly makes me happy?

- What gets me out of bed in the morning?

- What matters to me?

- Am I nurturing the things that matter most to me?

- Am I living a life that honours my true beliefs and morals?

- What makes me tick? What excites me?

- What was the last thing I did when time stood still?

- Have I set myself goals? If so, have I taken action to achieve them?

- If not, why not? And if not now, then when?

- If I were to die tomorrow, would I be happy with how I have lived my life?

When I had very poor mental health, I vividly remember asking myself the last question and being deeply saddened. I knew if I continued as I was, I would get to the end of my life, knowing I had wasted so many of my years worrying over things that never came true. This is when I knew something had to change and I needed professional help.

Another way to nurture your holistic wellness is to try one or more of these spiritual wellness activities:

- Practicing gratitude

- Meditation

- Taking a walk in nature

- Yoga practice

- Journaling

- Taking time in solitude

All of these activities can help awaken your soul, provide opportunities for self-discovery, and allow you to listen to your thoughts and feelings to figure out your true meaning in life. Your purpose doesn't have to be grand; it can simply be meaningful to you.

I spent a lot of time in nature during my postpartum period. It helped me nurture my spiritual wellness during a difficult time getting to grips with being a new mother with full-blown sleep deprivation.

6. Occupational Wellness: Finding Joy in the Daily Grind

This type of wellness involves finding joy, enrichment, and purpose in your daily work life and mastering a healthy work-life balance. Finding the right balance between work, friends, family life, and “you time” can be a challenge, but achieving it can bring greater happiness and joy.

Enjoy working your way up the ranks and succeeding in your career, but don't let it take over your life. Remember to take breaks, schedule vacations, set boundaries, and work hard when you’re there, so you can be productive, finish on time, and have time for your family. Say no to extra overtime if you feel exhausted or burnt out, and make an effort for human connection when you have scheduled days off.

Aligning your career with your passions is a great way to nurture your occupational wellness. However, this isn't always possible, and people may work in jobs that don’t align with their passions but need to pay the bills. If that's the case for you, then look for the positives in your daily work. Look at your work with gratitude, knowing that it provides for your basic needs. Not everyone has this privilege, and many people have to leave their families for work overseas just to provide for them. By adopting a grateful mindset, you can start to see your job in a different light and have a more positive outlook.

7. Financial Wellness: Empowering Your Money Matters

Achieving this type of wellness can significantly contribute to your overall happiness. It's not about being rich or spending lavishly, but rather making smart decisions with your finances. Financial stress can weigh heavily on individuals, and managing your finances well can reduce this burden. You can start by exploring financial literacy, budgeting effectively, and planning for a secure future.

Consider establishing a pension plan or savings scheme, opening a savings account during favourable interest rates, and setting aside emergency funds for unforeseen expenses. These steps can help you avoid unnecessary stressors in your life and bring a profound sense of peace.

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8. Environmental Wellness: Harmony with Your Surroundings

Your well-being is greatly affected by your environment. Environmental wellness involves creating spaces that uplift and inspire you, contributing to your overall well-being and a healthy body and mind.

Make your home a haven of peace where you can feel relaxed. You can try lighting a scented candle, decluttering, or organising your space to make it more inviting and comfortable.

Embrace eco-friendly practices that promote a healthier planet and a better quality of life for yourself. Check out 'The Style Cycle,' where Kat offers valuable advice on living a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.

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So, there you have it, the 8 dimensions of wellness and how you can nurture each component to pave your way to a happier and healthier life.

Nurturing the 8 dimensions of wellness is essential to living a content, healthy, and happy life. By exploring different types of wellness and embracing a balanced and vibrant life, you can embark on a journey towards a more holistic lifestyle. Remember, balance is key.

So, what are you waiting for? Start nurturing your mind, body, and soul in harmony today and unlock the secrets to a happy and healthy life!

This blog post was all about exploring the diverse types of wellness that affect our health and happiness, placing a spotlight on the top 8 dimensions of wellness.

With love and support, Beth x


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