I’m so happy you've landed on my page, welcome!

First things first, I'm a proud mum of two amazing boys. Parenthood? Yep, I'm in the thick of it. From nappy explosions and sleepless nights to potty training and bedtime stories, I'm living the dream (and sometimes the chaos) every day. But hey, isn't that what makes life so beautiful?

That said, there's more to me then just the mum gig. For a solid decade, I was a nurse, specialising in Intensive Care and Cardiac Health around the world. I've seen it all - from heartwarming recoveries to the toughest of battles. Those years on the front line moulded me in ways I could have never imagined.

I had a great life, I was travelling and working around the world, had a long term boyfriend (now husband) and great friends. However, life wasn’t always easy and I had my share of very low and painful moments.

In 2019, life threw me a curveball. I faced a traumatic miscarriage, suffering more than I thought possible and losing myself in the process. I lost every ounce of confidence I had (which was a lot let me tell you), unable to make even a basic decision. Shortly after, I was referred to a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with OCD (the overthinking type) however, looking back, I think I had suffered for a long time.

A short while after this period, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. I was working on the frontline and along with countless other healthcare warriors, I put my own struggles aside and I plunged headfirst into the chaos. We were on a mission to save lives, no matter the personal toll it took. It became crystal clear that self care was being neglected, and burnout was rampant amongst so many of the staff, me included.

Talk about a rollercoaster of emotions, right? Something had to change. It was during this tumultuous period that I discovered the critical importance of looking after your own mental wellbeing and prioritising self-care. Trust me, no one else will do this for you!

I did the homework; I saw a therapist regularly, I did Exposure Response Prevention (ERP), I kept up with my psychiatrist appointments. After months of therapy, although it helped a lot, I needed more. I was started on medication for my OCD and it saved me.

I started working on myself everyday and prioritising ‘me’. Making self-care a non-negotiable part of my routine; Practicing self-compassion and self-acceptance (I was a full-blown perfectionist, especially at work). Adopting a growth mindset; Positive thinking and positive self talk. Building healthy daily habits and finding love in exercise. Guess what? I found myself again, stronger, more confident and more resilient than ever.

I temporarily left nursing when I became a mother to spend the first year with my son however, I have now decided to leave the profession all together. The constant pressure, lack of staff, immense responsibility and lack of support from a broken health care system made it an easy decision in the end. My mental health was deeply affected by work, affecting my inner peace and for that, it just wasn’t worth it anymore. I was sad to leave in a way as my purpose in life for so long was to help people and it gave me great satisfaction however, since starting this blog, I feel I have that purpose back again.

I have learnt what ‘success’ means to me (and it isn’t through working up the ranks in the hospital anymore). I am achieving everything I want in life, I am happy, and content and feel a true sense of fulfilment. For me, that is success—true inner peace.

Now, I'm on a mission to share what I've learned with you.

Whether you're a fellow parent battling the beautiful chaos of parenthood, a healthcare hero seeking solace in self-care, or anyone looking for a guiding light on their journey to better mental health, personal happiness, success and/or fulfilment, I'm here for you.

Mental health is nothing to be ashamed of. I want to help you feel less alone, less like there is ‘something wrong with you’ if you suffer in any way from a mental health disorder or need mental health support or medication.

Let's navigate this adventure called life together. Welcome to my corner of the web, where prioritising yourself isn’t selfish or a luxury; it's essential. You can rewrite your story and rediscover the strength within, and i’m right by your side.

You're not alone, and I've got your back.

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