5 Natural Strategies To Reduce Anxiety Quickly

Are you frequently caught in the grip of anxiety?

Do you often experience a racing heart or difficulty catching your breath?

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by worry, even about small things?

Do you struggle to drift off to sleep at night because your mind is in overdrive?

If the answer is yes to any or all of these questions then this blog post is for you.

We've all been there – that overwhelming feeling of anxiety that creeps up when you least expect it. It's a horrible feeling.

Life seems to be getting busier and busier, with people experiencing more stress than ever. Whether it's the hustle and bustle of daily life or those late-night worries that just won't quit, finding ways to reduce anxiety quickly is a skill we could all use.

This blog post is all about natural ways to reduce anxiety quickly so you can manage your day-to-day stressors, improve your mental health and find some inner peace.

reduce anxiety quickly

An Insight Into My Personal Story:

Before we dive into some of the top anxiety management strategies, let me share a little about my own personal journey and experience with anxiety. In 2019, I grappled with severe OCD, accompanied by debilitating anxiety that left me feeling drained and powerless. My path to recovery was an extended one, marked by a misdiagnosis of General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) by my GP. Despite seeking therapy for a couple of years for GAD, progress was elusive. It wasn't until I reached breaking point and sought the expertise of a psychiatrist that I received a correct diagnosis of OCD within a mere 10 minutes of conversation.

This pivotal moment allowed me to connect with the right therapist, specialising in OCD and OCD-related anxiety, embark on the appropriate psychological therapy (Exposure Response Prevention, better known as ERP) and start medication.

It was imperative during this time that I explored and implemented lots of natural anxiety management strategies, too. I wanted to do anything and everything in my power to get better and find inner peace. It was important to me to try some natural techniques. Finding natural ways to reduce anxiety quickly proved instrumental in reclaiming control over my life. It helped minimise anxiety symptoms when worrisome thoughts entered my head, particularly intrusive thoughts.

It's essential to note that these strategies are not exclusive to OCD anxiety; they can be applied to various forms of anxiety.

If you're struggling with anxiety, know that you're not alone, and there is hope. Let's get started!

Pro Tip: If you find that your current approaches are ineffective or sense the need for additional support, seeking professional help is crucial. Doing so accelerates your recovery, ensuring you receive the proper therapy techniques tailored to your specific mental health condition.

beth walden

This is a picture of me on my honeymoon.

You wouldnt think it from looking (oh how a smile can hide so much hurt), but this was when my mental health was the probably the worst it ever was. I was having a miscarriage. I started with intrusive thoughts and I got into my head and I couldn’t get out. Shortly after returning from my honeymoon, I had a breakdown and I was diagnosed with OCD.

Understanding Anxiety

Before we explore the strategies, let's take a quick look at what anxiety is. Anxiety is a natural stress response, but when it becomes chronic, it can take a toll on your well-being. It can manifest in various forms and can be related to many other mental health conditions, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), phobias, and generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). The good news is you're not alone, and there are effective ways to reduce anxiety symptoms and regain control.

Common Anxiety Symptoms:

  1. Heart Palpitations: Characterised by an irregular or racing heartbeat.

  2. Persistent Worry: Overwhelming and constant concern.

  3. Racing Thoughts: Uncontrollable surges of rapid and intrusive thinking.

  4. Stomach Butterflies: Physical sensations conveying heightened unease.

  5. Muscle Tension: Physical discomfort resulting from heightened stress.

  6. Shortness of Breath: Difficulty breathing or a feeling of breathlessness.

  7. Insomnia or Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

  8. Fatigue: Persistent tiredness, often unrelated to physical exertion.

  9. Irritability: Heightened sensitivity or a tendency to become easily annoyed.

  10. Difficulty Concentrating: Challenges in focusing or maintaining attention.

Does any of this resonate with you? If so, experimenting with the following strategies to promptly reduce anxiety symptoms might be the solution. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you may observe a reduction in symptoms or lessening severity. It's important to acknowledge that mastering these techniques and making them a part of your daily habits requires time and consistent effort. Change is gradual, but by persistently implementing these strategies, you can foster a positive impact on your mental well-being over time.

Anxiety Management Strategies:

1. Deep Breathing: A Lifesaver in Every Situation

When anxiety strikes, one of the quickest ways to regain composure is through deep breathing exercises. It's a simple yet powerful technique that helps shift your focus away from your anxious thoughts. Find a comfortable spot, inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Try the 3-3-3 technique: Breathe in for 3 seconds, hold for 3 seconds and exhale for 3 seconds. This is my personal favourite breathing technique and always calms my anxious mind. Repeat this process, and you'll find your mind calming down naturally and quickly.

Pro tip: Incorporate deep breathing into your daily routine (even when not anxious) to build resilience against anxiety. The more you practice deep breathing, the more natural it becomes.

reduce anxiety quickly

2. The Power of Mindfulness Meditation

In the age of constant stimulation, taking a moment to be present can be revolutionary. Mindfulness meditation is a proven anxiety management strategy that not only reduces anxiety quickly but also fosters a sense of inner peace. Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Be conscious of your chest rising and falling. Allow thoughts to come and go without judgment. By practising mindfulness, you create a mental sanctuary that you can return to whenever anxiety strikes.

Pro Tip: When thoughts come up, imagine putting them on a leaf on a running river or stream. Watch the thoughts float away down the river. Keep doing this without judgement. 

I found this particular technique excellent when I was having intrusive thoughts. If you have similar thought processes, don't give the thoughts any attention; just let them float away. Thoughts are just thoughts; they come and go and do not mean anything. The less attention you give to the thoughts, the less power they have.

3. Nighttime Rituals for Anxiety-Free Sleep

Now, let's tackle the challenge of how to stop anxiety at night. Establishing a calming bedtime routine can make a significant difference. Create a sleep-conducive environment by dimming lights, avoiding screens before bedtime, and engaging in activities that help you unwind. Incorporate relaxation techniques such as gentle stretching or reading a calming book.

Sounds easy, right? Many don't use a relaxing nighttime ritual but scroll on their phones just before lights out. If this is you, don't worry. Be conscious that this isn't good for you or your mind, and try adopting some better nighttime rituals from now on.

reduce anxiety quickly

4. Reduce Anxiety Naturally with Exercise

Exercise is a natural anxiety buster that works wonders for the body and mind. Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters. Whether it's a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a quick workout, incorporating regular exercise into your routine can significantly reduce anxiety symptoms. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week to experience the full benefits.

Pro tip: Choose an activity you enjoy to make exercise a regular and enjoyable part of your routine.

Here are some pictures of me, my sister and my husband all on a nature walk over Christmas in the UK. We got a take away coffee, had a brisk walk around a national park, it was raining (my kind of heaven), and all the kids were running wild in nature. What a beautiful day for the soul. This kind of exercise activity is great for reducing anxiety, too.

5. The Importance of a Support System

In times of heightened anxiety, reaching out to friends, family, or a trusted confidant can provide immense relief. Sharing your feelings with someone you trust lightens the emotional load and strengthens your support system. Sometimes, a friendly chat or a shoulder to lean on can be the remedy you need to quickly reduce anxiety. You'll be surprised. The more you open up, the more you will see you are not alone. Most of us have inner demons, anxieties or mental health struggles; it's just they are not always shared. 

The more we all share our stories, the more we will break the mental health stigma.

Pro tip: Choosing someone you trust, who is non-judgmental, to share your mental struggles with can be a helpful first step. Seeking support during difficult times is essential, and it's crucial to open up to someone who will be supportive rather than judgmental. If you share your struggles with the wrong person, someone you do not fully trust or who is not supportive, it may discourage you from seeking support in the future. 

reduce anxiety quickly

My number one supporter;

The man I trusted with all my deep and painful struggles associated with my mental health at the time when I felt deep shame and embarrassment. His support was instrumental in my recovery and I am so thankful I have him in my life. It doesn’t have to be a spouse or ‘other half’ you trust to confide in, it can be a family member, friend or even therapist.

Remember to implement these anxiety management strategies in your daily routine to reduce anxiety quickly and naturally and experience a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms.

In the quest for anxiety management strategies, remember that it's okay to experiment and find what works best for you. Combining deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, nighttime rituals, exercise, and a robust support system can be a powerful formula for reducing anxiety quickly and naturally. So, the next time anxiety knocks on your door, you'll be armed with practical tools to show it out and embrace a calmer, more serene you. Here's to finding serenity in the chaos of life!

This blog post was all about natural anxiety management strategies so you can reduce anxiety quickly and improve your mental health.

With love and support, Beth x

Disclaimer: The content on this website is drawn from my personal journey and experiences, specifically related to mental health recovery. I am not a licensed mental health professional, so the information provided should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


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