Top 5 Benefits of Self Care: A Must for Women, Mums, and Everyone Else

Busy ladies, do you need motivation to prioritise self care? I see you!
Check out the top 5 benefits of self care that will motivate you to prioritise yourself and your health, all without that feeling of guilt.

In a world that never seems to slow down, it's easy to find yourself caught in the whirlwind of daily life. Between the demands of work, family, and countless other responsibilities, it's no wonder we sometimes forget to prioritise ourselves. But let me tell you, self care is a game changer, and it's time we give it the attention it deserves. So, grab a cup of your favourite herbal tea, and let's chat about why self care is important for your physical and mental wellbeing, your energy levels, your immune system and even your relationships.

This blog post is all about the top 5 benefits of self care, that will make you realise that self care is no longer a luxury, but essential for your health.

What is Self Care?

So, what exactly is self care, anyway? It's not just about spa days and bubble baths, although those can be part of it. Self care is about intentionally taking time for yourself to nurture your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. It's the deliberate act of caring for yourself, just like you care for your loved ones. For some reason, over time, we as humans have started to view this act as ‘selfish’. I totally disagree with this view and I’m going to dive deep into why its fundamental to your health.

Why is Self Care Important? Outlined below are the top 5 benefits of self care.

After reading this, you will stop thinking self care is a luxury, and seriously start prioritising yourself. Incorporating a regular self care plan or self care routine into your day can have profound effects on your life.

1. Self Care for Mental Health

Our mental health is just as vital as our physical health, and self care plays a significant role in maintaining it. The WHO recognises the importance of mental wellbeing, stating that mental health is an integral part of health. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, front line workers were not prioritising self care, me included. Understandably, everyone was doing what they could to save as many people as possible and self care was the farthest thing from our minds. However, over time, poor mental health and burnout became rampant, and a huge number of nurses left the profession, again, me included. It is essential that even in the busiest and most stressful parts of your life, you incorporate a daily self care routine and focus on your own mental wellbeing.

This is me (left) and my nursing colleague and dear friend, working on the front line during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This photo was taken after a training session, teaching staff how to put on the PPE (our protective gear).

Engage in activities that relax and rejuvenate your mind. Meditation, journaling, or simply taking a break are great ways to start. 

Self Care tip: For mindfulness and meditation, try either ‘Headspace’ or ‘Breethe’. I love both of these apps for guided meditation and mindfulness and even if you start with 5 minutes a day, you will see benefits and reap the rewards of a more grounded you.

Remember, a well-rested mind is a powerful one; You are better able to manage any anxieties, you are better equipped to make decisions and handle other life pressures. 

2. Self Care for Physical Health

Self care isn't just about pampering; it's about staying healthy. According to the WHO, a healthy lifestyle contributes significantly to your overall wellbeing. Prioritising regular physical activity as part of your self care routine will not only boost your energy levels but will also help prevent disease and keeps you feeling strong and confident. 

For adults, the NHS recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. 

I started CrossFit in 2018. My husband had tried to persuade me to join for about a year before, but I was always intimidated and so refused to try. Let’s be honest, CrossFit seems to be pretty hardcore and has a Cult’ish reputation (joking but not joking lol). My level of fitness was pretty mediocre and I didn’t think I would be good enough or able to keep up and so I was embarrassed to try.

I finally gave in and gave it a try and let me tell you, it was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I soon realised that it was not what it initially seemed, at least not the box I went to. No-one cared that I couldn’t yet do any of the moves, no one cared that I was last to finish. In fact, everyone actively encouraged me. The friends I made, and the community I became part of had such a huge impact on my life, and and my mental wellbeing. My fitness level increased and my confidence soared. 

5 benefits of self care

This photo was taken in 2018 at CrossFit Bondi, just before my very first CrossFit Class.

I remember the coach laughing saying “couples who train together, stay together”. Well it’s true as this man is now my husband, and although we can’t train together anymore due to living abroad and having two young kids, it’s hands down one of my favourite things to do with him.

My CrossFit Family

Joining that box, and becoming part of a community gave me a sense of belonging, especially as I was living on the other side of the world. I trained hard, but did so with my best friends. Working out was fun and it no longer felt like a chore.

This is not an attempt to convert you to become a CrossFiter (unless you fancy it then go for it, you won’t regret it), but it is to actively encourage you to find something similar; Something that you love, that keeps you physically active and ideally has a community, supportive vibe. It will keep you accountable, carving out regular self care time and will have you investing in your long term physical health.

If you are a mum who just can’t find the time or the energy, I get it. When I was a new mum, I was living in Australia, I had no family there and Covid had locked us down. Try an ‘at home’ workout app. I used the Keep It Cleaner (KIC) app a lot during my first year postpartum either when my son sleeping or was happy playing in his bouncer. 

The KIC app was created by two Australian fitness Gurus, Steph Claire Smith and Laura Henshaw. I love these girls, they are so real, raw and honest with life ups and downs and they don’t make you feel like you should be superhuman and have all your sh*t together. 

Steph is a working mum and she seems to totally get how hard it can be to balance work, family and ‘you’ time, and Laura is honest about the difficulties of balancing work and life, as she was a newlywed, finishing her law degree and trying to build the KIC empire. 

Any of this sound familiar? 

They have lots of short, 20 minute workouts, for us busy women needing just a quick, effective burn. 

There are lots of online platforms available these days and most offer a free trial period so I would recommend trying out a few and seeing which workouts you enjoy, which programmes and trainers you like best, and go from there. 

(Note: Postpartum mums, be sure to get a doctors sign off before starting any exercise).

Self care tip: Half the battle for me was actually putting on my gym clothes. For some reason, it was something that stopped me working out because when the time came to workout, I just couldn’t be bothered to go and put on my gym clothes and trainers. Crazy hey! In the end, I started wearing my gym gear as soon as I woke up and then whenever the time came to workout, I was ready to go. If you struggle with motivation, try doing this trick and see if it helps you incorporate physical exercise into your daily self care routine.

3. Self Care and Energy Levels

If you're a mum or a working woman, you know that your energy can sometimes be spread thin. Self care helps recharge your batteries so you can keep up with your little ones, or your busy schedule. When you invest in self care, you'll find yourself with more energy to tackle life and work’s challenges with a smile. 

The NHS advises that sleep is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. Mums, I hear you laughing! I used to laugh when people told me to sleep when my baby slept. How on earth can you prioritise sleep if your little one doesn’t sleep? 

Self care tip: Try going to bed earlier. It’s a small change that makes a huge difference. My friends often laugh at me as I still regularly go to bed at 8:30pm, and it was as early as 7:30pm when I had a newborn. I know it’s early, like really early, but I have accepted that it won’t be forever and I will get my evenings back when the kids are a little older or sleeping through the night. And for now, the more sleep I get, the better I am able to cope in the day with a young baby.

5 benefits of self care

4. Self Care and Stress Management/Immune Health

Life can throw some curveballs, and stress is a natural part of it. However, how we handle stress makes all the difference.

When I say that stress can have a significant impact on our health, I'm not just speaking theoretically. I've witnessed the reality of it in the patients I've cared for.

Working as a Cardiac Nurse for over a decade, I saw first hand the effect stress can have on our health, some patients having heart attacks due to long term, unmanaged stress.

Did you know that you really can die of a broken heart?

Takotsubo, often referred to as 'Broken Hearted Syndrome' or 'stress-induced cardiomyopathy,' is a condition where the heart temporarily weakens, leading to symptoms similar to a heart attack. I've witnessed its effects on many patients during my time working in the hospital. This condition is usually triggered by acute stress, like the loss of a loved one, a sudden emotional shock, or a highly stressful event, when stress hormones flood the body in response. 

It goes without saying, we can’t help our emotional reactions to such awful or traumatising events in our life. We are not robots, we are human after all; It does however serve as a stark reminder of the connection between our emotional wellbeing and our physical health.

In addition to heart heath, stress has also been linked to a weakened immune system! Your immune system is your body's defence against illness. The number of lymphocytes, (the white blood cells that fight infection) drop in those who experience chronic stress. Self care can play a significant role in keeping your immune system strong.

We must take self care seriously, not only for our mental and emotional wellbeing but for the sake of our physical health as well. We must learn to manage stress and practice self care to protect our hearts, both figuratively and literally and keep our immune system strong.

Self care practices like deep breathing, mindfulness and meditation, or even talking with a friend or someone you trust can help you manage stress effectively. Implementing these strategies into your self care plan, can help you cope with life's demands and keep you fighting fit. You can boost your immune system's resilience and stay healthier. 

Now, for those reading this thinking, ‘sh*t, I’m always stressed and maybe it’s too late’. My response - never! It’s never too late to change, implement good habits into your life, prioritise yourself and actively engage in activities that will reduce your stress levels. When you take care of your stress levels, you become a more resilient and adaptable person so it’s totally worth giving it a try.

Self care tip: Grab that glass of wine and a good book, run that bubble bath and go for a guilt free soak in the tub! It’s good for your health, after all.

5 benefits of self care

5. Self Care for Relationships

Self care is not a selfish act; it's an act of self love. When you invest in your wellbeing, you're better equipped to care for others. Think about it this way: if you're running on empty, you can't give your best to your family or friends. By practicing self care, you become a happier, healthier, and more present person. You're not just doing it for yourself; you're doing it for your loved ones too. You can also actively encourage your loved ones to carve out some self care time.

Self Care is Essential

Let's be real; life can be tough. Juggling work, family, and everything in between is a Herculean task. But guess what? Self care is the best tool needed to face life's stresses head-on. When you take time for yourself, you become better equipped to handle the chaos, and your ability to bounce back from setbacks becomes unparalleled. Self care is your anchor in the storm, a source of strength when things get tough.

Find activities that bring you joy, whether it's reading a book, going for a walk, doing yoga, or spending quality time with friends. Block out time for self care in your schedule, just like you would for any other important task.

So Let’s Get Started

Remember, self care isn't one-size-fits-all. What works for one person might not work for another. Experiment, explore, and discover what self care means to you. The key is to make it a habit and prioritise it.

Self care isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. It's your secret to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. When you take care of yourself, you become a shining example of self love for your family and friends. So, why wait? Embrace the power of self care today, and watch your life transform into a beautiful journey of self-discovery and wellbeing. You deserve it!

This post was all about the top 5 benefits of Self Care.


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